Monday, January 7, 2013


First of all, I know that there are still no pictures.  When I go to upload them, it says I can only load them from the blog, my phone, Picasa web something or another or a URL.  Um...what happened to loading them from my silly ole computer?!

That said - to the topic at hand.  It would appear I'm sick...and I've shared it! (Yikes!)

Last Monday I started to feel achy and thought I was getting the flu, however, I never ran a fever and was mostly just congested.  Tylenol and Benedryl kept me going for the week as we ran around doing fun things (ie: ice skating, Trains at Northpark, LegoLand, etc).  Over the weekend I was still having a hard time with sinus stuff and coughing and a sore throat and all so I said that if I still felt bad Monday, I'd go to the doctor before the kids came back.  I have a student who has a compromised immune system so I couldn't be taking my cold in to him.  Just for the sake of my documentation (in case I ever have these symptoms again) here's how this cold thing went:

Monday night: achy and headache due to MAJOR congestion
Tuesday: achy and headache due to MAJOR congestion -- manageable with Tylenol every 4 hours and benedryl at night.
Wednesday: still a little achy, but not as bad; finally started draining so became stuffy - still just Tylenol and benedryl
Thursday: no more aches, but majorly stuffy!  Throat hurt due to drainage and coughing. same medicine as before.
Friday: no aches - super stuffy - sore throat - hacking cough.  Took some Tylenol with a decongestant in it - slept poorly.
Saturday: felt awful - so congested, lots of coughing, sore throat, etc.  Bought meds and finally slept.
Sunday: felt better, went to church.  COUGHING and some congestion.
Monday: COUGHING, some congestion, but finally felt 'better'.  Went to Dr.

Ok - so now you know....I went to the doctor, fully expecting her to say, "I'm sorry, you have a nasty cold...take whatever works...have a nice day."

She looked in my ear and said, "Oh, your ear is really red - I'd call that an ear infection.  I bet you have a sinus infection too."

"Yep, sinus infection too!  Looks like it's trying to move to your chest."

(listens to chest) "Oh!  It's already in your have bronchitis too!"

That's right friends - ear/sinus infection and bronchitis...which I have been hacking out into the public throughout the last week.  If you're sick and were in Dallas last week -- I'm sorry! :)  Anyway, I got a shot in the tush, some monster cough medicine (with codeine) and an antibiotic.  Oh, and orders not to work for at least Tuesday.  I can go back Wednesday if I want, but I don't have to go till Thursday.

I'm glad I went to the doctor today -- and I'm glad for a few days of rest! :) 

P.S.  I would show you what a sick me looks like - but again - pictures are not uploading...anyone have any ideas?

(Dad - this is blog number 2!  Aren't you super proud of me?!)


  1. I was having the same picture problem. Blogger says to use the HTML window to compose and you can upload there and then edit in the compose window.

  2. Here is the link to the info...
