Monday, October 7, 2013

Adoption Update

For those of you who prayed for the little boy I posted about last week, I read today that he has had a family come forward and committ to him. This means he will be adopted and will not be sent to a mental instution. Praise the Lord!

As excited as I am for him though, my heart breaks at the thought of the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of other orphans throughout the world who will not go to bed tonight...or tomorrow night...or ever...knowing the love of a Mommy and Daddy. Friends, it is our priviledge as Christians to pray for the orphans of the world. I realize that not everyone can bring home a child, nationally or internationally, but we can all pray! Please join me in praying for these precious kiddos. Pray that they will be matched with the 'right' families and that they WILL know the love of THE Father...even if they never know the love of a father.

Blessings on this beautiful Monday...

(PS...I know - no pics...what kind of blogger am I?!)
(PSS...please forgive any typos...I have a bandaid on one finger and it is messing with my typing abilities!)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real (idea from a friend)

So, I was just over at my friends blog (9 Peas Mom) and her Friday blog was titled "Pretty, Funny, Happy, Real". It documented things from the week that fall under each catagory. I really like the idea so here's mine:


This is my Grandmother on her 96th birthday. read that correcrly -
she's 96! She is absolutely GORGEOUS my friends.


A new pic of my and Alan. This man makes me happy...I love him. (Just for the record he is able to easily driv eme crazy too...but I still love him!) :)

Ally and Clarissa stayed with us last Friday night. When I got out of the shower Sunday morning I could hear babbling between the 2. When I went in to get them I found this (sorry for the fuzzy phone pic...):

As a are pics of the girls from this week (check out Ally's itty bitty piggies!!!!)

This week I booked tickets to Seattle to go visit my friend Heather, her husband Matt, and to meet their sweet baby girl Emma Leanne. I am so excited to go see them at the end of this month. Of course, after I booked I found out that Nov 1 (smack in the middle of my trip) is a Staff Development Day so they aren't supposed to approve it...meaning I have to write a letter to the superintendent explaining why I want it off...and if he won't approve it they'll dock the days pay. Awesome....that said - don't you think this sweet girl is WORTH IT?!

Also Real:
Yesterday there was a kitten found on my school's campus. The pound was going to come get it -- but it's black...close to Halloween...not standing a great chance here. So Alan and I brought it home to live in a crate and I am running an ad in the paper for it's owners (it came wearing a collar) and I'm going to put signs up close to where it was found. If we can't find it's owners, we'll be looking for a new home for him. In the meantime, Lily is having a ball chasing him, Mercy isn't too sure about the noisy little guy, and Alan has named him Israel (to keep with out Biblical name theme), but we're calling him Izzy.

This weekend we are going to the Battle of the Axe game tonight and to the Fair tomorrow...Please pray it doesn't rain all day! :)

(Please excuse any funny placement...I had to compose in HTML and move pictures in another view...quite a'on blogger!)