Thursday, December 5, 2013


It's that time again!!

Any questions?

My Grandmother is possibly one of the 'prettiest' pretties I could possibly share with you! I am so blessed to have memories of her being at many of my 'firsts' throughout life. We were thankful she was able to come spend Thanksgiving with us...and she was thankful to see her sweet dog Molly. Since her stroke and broken hip she can no longer have Molly live with her. Amy's mother-in-law, GranJan, has been taking care of Molly. GranJan is so sweet...she brings Molly to visit as often as possible.


Last Saturday we (Philip, Allison, and myself) hosted the 5th annual Indian Thanksgiving. Now, as you can see by the picure, we do not mean Indian as in Native American's. We mean Indian as in India.

It all started about 7 year ago when Philip and I had met and friended several guys (and a few girls) from India. Neither of our immediate family's were celebrating Thanksgiving on the actual day, so we decided to make dinner for our Indian friends. It was a huge hit, but alot of work, so we decided to do it every other year. 2 years later we did it again...with much success. We still decided we'd keep it at every other year, meaning 2011 was the next one. That year we couldn't find a day to meet up prior to Thanksgiving so we did Christmas and we got to tell the Christmas story. (This was probably my FAVORITE year.) 2011 was such a hit we decided to go Annual. Last year I wasn't able to attend, so my sister stepped in to help. This year - we made it a joint effort...and as you can see it was wonderful. It was the biggest crowd to date, with the most food...and the most leftovers! I look forward to next year!


Our sweet Lily dog has been so good lately. Her barking is down to a minimum, her destroying things is down, and her eating things she shouldn't hasn't been a problem. ...until last week. One day last week I found her on our bed chewing on something. You always knows she knows better when you walk in and she runs. She ran. I finally cornered her and got her to 'drop it'. That when I found a silver lid. After a few minutes of searching and trying to figure it out, we decided it was a tube of lip gloss she'd found in the bathroom. Ah Lily - you are the best at picking random things to eat. Once I cleaned up the mess on the bed and threw away what was left, and confined Lily to the living room, we all settled in again. Lily jumped up in my lap and layed down. That's when I noticed she was all glittery from her lip gloss eating. It appears she just wanted to be pretty like Mommy. She her sparkly beard?!


We had these new cars for almost a week. We LOVE them and the room they give us! :)



(ask me how I feel about it in a month when I pay my first car payment in a year...)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


A few weeks ago I picked up the girls at daycare and headed to one of our favorite restaurants, El Pueblo. We were meeting our friends for some yummy dinner before church.

To get from the girls daycare to El Pueblo is a straight shot down one not-to-busy road. So off we went and we were trucking along as normal, until we got almost to the restaurant. We were happily driving along and then there was a blue truck in the middle the road and CRASH...BANG...we hit him.

I want you to know I've had wrecks before. My parents tend to think I have a bullseye painted somewhere on me or my car to bring them on. This one was by far the most nerve wracking for me. Why? Because I had two sweeties in my backseat. My first thought was "OH MY GOSH I just had a wreck and the girls are in the car! OH MY GOSH are they ok?!" So I checked on them. Ally was in her seat laughing...yes...laughing. I guess a little bump is funny. Rissa wasn't too sure what to think and as long as she could see me she was fine. My poor car....well...see for yourself.

So here's the 'juicy' part. The wreck happened in front of an establishment called The Towne Pub. Only I would have a wreck in front of a bar with an European Denison, Tx (the last city before Oklahoma). Anyway, the guy turned left across 2 lanes of traffic in front of a bar. The impact broke the drive shaft of his (REALLY OLD) truck. Once he and his friend/passenger/the other guy got the truck to stop rolling, the driver walked away. Yes, you read that right...He WALKED away. Pulled up his hood on his jacket and left. In broad daylight. the fading daylight...but you get the idea. He had insurance and a valid license so everyones guess? Drunk.

He then hid from the cops for 2 days to 'sober up' so he couldn't get arrested for being drunk. Instead he got ticketed for leaving, and for something else, and they won't tell him where his car is. Works for me.

After many annoyances with his insurance, it was FINALLY decided that he was at fault. (you think?!) And then they totaled the Fusion. Sad day.

However, we had already decided to get a used SUV for me. With the payout though, we were able to get Alan a used SUV too!

Leanne's 2011 Ford Escape.

and Alan's 2003 Ford Explorer

We are seriously giddy with our new cars. Ok, maybe I'm giddy and Alan's pleased. But we love them!

(There Dad -- I blogged about the wreck! :))

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Again - this is my fun blog idea stolen from my friend over at 9Peas (I think she links hers in to someone else's blog -- but she has the best recipes and food pics I think I've ever seen! So go check her out!)


Clarissa and Ally are the prettiest baby girls in Sherman!

Clarissa is almost 3 and is talking up a storm...when she has something to say. She has a sassy streak in her and when she wants something she will argue with you..for a LONG time. She LOVES Minnie Mouse and chicken. On Sunday she looked so pretty I decided to snap a picture and she l
et me 'pose' her. This lovely photo is what I got!

Ally is 16 months old now. Her favorite words are NO! and STOP! though she can also say Night Night, Love You, Juice, and lots more. She is no longer walking, but RUNNING everywhere she goes. She likes anything on TV and food. She likes to eat. This one is from a few weeks ago. Isn't she pretty?


A few weeks ago my awesome nephew, Thomas, accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. On a Saturday night at Prestonwood, he was baptised by the minister of missions (I think). There were many of Allison's friends there to support him, as well as our family, and his Dad and his family. Can I just say it makes my heart sing to know that the Truth of God IS making it to these generations?! Talk about happy! (There may or may not have been happy tears in several eyes...I'm just saying...) Mercy. Last Sunday I tried something new...Painting with a Twist/Paint your Pet. Ok - so...I'm not an artist. Ask any of my students...I just am not. So why try this?! Because they have a nice instructor lady who helps you if you screw up and helps with depth perception and all that stuff that I don't even begin to understand. Let's just say if she hadn't helped I'd have a $55 brown blob with eyes and a nose. :) However, thanks to Ms. Lisa's help, I have this AWESOME painting of my Mercy girl. Seriously...I love it. Can't wait till they do it again and I can do one of Lily!


I have a student who struggles with spelling and writing. One of the activities I have him do is to write whathe is learning about in his other classes. On day this is what I found:

Just in case you can't read it, it says, "We are learining about teats in math." I'm pretty sure he meant TESTS....

I took this picture a few weeks ago at church...It makes me laugh every're welcome.


This month is Adoption Month. I was out of town on Adoption Sunday so my church got away without doing anything. Next year may they not be so lucky! I saw a statistic recently that said that there are twice as many Christians in the world as there are orphans. If each Christian would step up and take one kid there wouldn't be any more orphans. Now, I'm not so niave as to think that every Christian is able. There are health, age, monetary, and other reasons why some of us can't. HOWEVER, I do strongly believe it is our Christian duty...service...right...JOY. Our Christian JOY to pray without ceasing for these kiddos. Many of them age out and turn to 'less than steller' lives. They end up in jail, as pregnant teens, homeless, etc. Let's pray...pray...PRAY for these kids!

Some of us can't go...but can support. Pick a family, agency, foster home, something/someplace/someone to support. For example - I have a friend in McKinney that has 2 domestically adopted daughters. I pray with her. I listen when she needs it. I've even bought her lunch when the kids needed the last of her cash and it was that or crackers. I don't say this so you'll pay me on the back...I tell you to spark your thinking...what can you do?

Perhaps you don't know any adoptive familys or anyone to support. Here are some other ideas: New Day Foster Home in China (where the pics came from). Blogstalk them! There's Reeces Rainbow. There's Morning Star. There's Love Changes Lives and so many more!

These kids and teens need our help...won't you find some way to help? Go...Pray...Support...

Monday, October 7, 2013

Adoption Update

For those of you who prayed for the little boy I posted about last week, I read today that he has had a family come forward and committ to him. This means he will be adopted and will not be sent to a mental instution. Praise the Lord!

As excited as I am for him though, my heart breaks at the thought of the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of other orphans throughout the world who will not go to bed tonight...or tomorrow night...or ever...knowing the love of a Mommy and Daddy. Friends, it is our priviledge as Christians to pray for the orphans of the world. I realize that not everyone can bring home a child, nationally or internationally, but we can all pray! Please join me in praying for these precious kiddos. Pray that they will be matched with the 'right' families and that they WILL know the love of THE Father...even if they never know the love of a father.

Blessings on this beautiful Monday...

(PS...I know - no pics...what kind of blogger am I?!)
(PSS...please forgive any typos...I have a bandaid on one finger and it is messing with my typing abilities!)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real (idea from a friend)

So, I was just over at my friends blog (9 Peas Mom) and her Friday blog was titled "Pretty, Funny, Happy, Real". It documented things from the week that fall under each catagory. I really like the idea so here's mine:


This is my Grandmother on her 96th birthday. read that correcrly -
she's 96! She is absolutely GORGEOUS my friends.


A new pic of my and Alan. This man makes me happy...I love him. (Just for the record he is able to easily driv eme crazy too...but I still love him!) :)

Ally and Clarissa stayed with us last Friday night. When I got out of the shower Sunday morning I could hear babbling between the 2. When I went in to get them I found this (sorry for the fuzzy phone pic...):

As a are pics of the girls from this week (check out Ally's itty bitty piggies!!!!)

This week I booked tickets to Seattle to go visit my friend Heather, her husband Matt, and to meet their sweet baby girl Emma Leanne. I am so excited to go see them at the end of this month. Of course, after I booked I found out that Nov 1 (smack in the middle of my trip) is a Staff Development Day so they aren't supposed to approve it...meaning I have to write a letter to the superintendent explaining why I want it off...and if he won't approve it they'll dock the days pay. Awesome....that said - don't you think this sweet girl is WORTH IT?!

Also Real:
Yesterday there was a kitten found on my school's campus. The pound was going to come get it -- but it's black...close to Halloween...not standing a great chance here. So Alan and I brought it home to live in a crate and I am running an ad in the paper for it's owners (it came wearing a collar) and I'm going to put signs up close to where it was found. If we can't find it's owners, we'll be looking for a new home for him. In the meantime, Lily is having a ball chasing him, Mercy isn't too sure about the noisy little guy, and Alan has named him Israel (to keep with out Biblical name theme), but we're calling him Izzy.

This weekend we are going to the Battle of the Axe game tonight and to the Fair tomorrow...Please pray it doesn't rain all day! :)

(Please excuse any funny placement...I had to compose in HTML and move pictures in another view...quite a'on blogger!)

Monday, September 30, 2013


A few years ago a family friend adopted a little sweetheart from China. Since then I have been a little adoption blog stalker. I admit it -- it touches my heart! Last year, some other family friends adopted a sweetie from China. Guess what...still blog stalking! A feew weeks ago I ran across a blog called The Blessing of Verity.

It is about a family who adopted from Pleven in Bulgaria. If you go back and read the story and your heart doesn't will. From there I found an advocacy website for children around the world, many with Down Syndrome and Cebral Palsy. Several of the kids on this particular site are in Eastern Europe - where the conditions are terrible for orphans. The site is Reece's Rainbow.

Today - the writer of the blog I mentioned about posted about a boy in need of a family. If a family doesn't step forward and commit to this boy within 1 week he will age out and will be sent to a mental institution where he will likely recieve little to no care until he starves to death. Please read over the blog, pray for him, and pass it on -- perhaps you know the family God has chosen for him. If nothing else, join me (an many others) in prayer for him and the other orphans of this world.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

2 years ago today

Two years ago todaythis girl:

And this guy:

Pledged their love to each other for the rest of their lives. 

Best.  Decision.  Ever. 
Best.  Day.  Ever.

Thank you, sweet husband, for loving me.  Even through the temper tantrums (would I have one of those?!), nagging, 'disagreeing', and all the other 'for worse' moments....I love you more than you know! :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Drowsy Chaperone

As you will recall if you read my blog (when I very occasionally update it..), I was cast as Kitty in Sherman Community Player's The Drowsy Chaperone back in April.  Kitty is the blonde ditz in the show.  (For all you who were wondering -- yes, this role DOES require acting..). 
The Drowsy Chaperone is a comedy.  It is narrated by 'The Man In The Chair' who is listening to a record of a 1928 Broadway Show.  The story is about Janet Van Der Graff who is getting married and leaving the stage.  The Producer, Feldzig, is being hunted by Gangsters.  Kitty (my part) wants to be the next big star, but the producer is much more concerned with keeping Janet, his current star, and thereby staying alve.  At the end, Janet decides to leave the stage and Kitty gets her chance.  There are other characters and that's not the entire story - but for you musical lovers - I don't want to give away the entire story...
This is our cast:

And a few pictures:
This is Toledo Surprise -- where I get my big chance...
(I'm the one in the blue dress....I promise)

This is Message From a Nightengale
(I'm the one with/in front of the gong)

And this is backstage...We call ths Drowsy Duck Lips...I'm on the right....

If you live in the area...I HIGHLY suggest you come see this's spectacular.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dog Park

A few weeks ago Donna and I decided to take one of her dogs and our 2 to the new McKinney dog park.  We left right after church and as usual, Lily felt she needed to be in my lap the whole trip.
And as usual..she was ALL EARS!
We made a pit stop at Canine Cookie Company and went to eat at Chaucer's, a formerly pet friendly pub.  We discovered while there that they are no longer pet friendly, so we opted for a quick trip to Sonic instead.  Mercy decided to show off her new dress and help Aunt Donna order.

 After we ate, we headed to the dog park.  When we got there it was nice and warm and off the dogs went...Well, sorta...Mercy stayed pretty close to me (look at my feet.)  Lily, however, was everywhere...couldn't get a pic of her for all her running around!

We did snap a quick one of me and my girls when Lily came to check in...notice that neither of them can focus on a camera...(and yes, they do know how to...they were just overwhelmed with the overabundance of barking and toys and dogs..)

On our way out we stopped at the water area...Mercy played with Donna's dog, Emma for a while.

And then with a little prodding....

....took a drink from the water spouts.

Then it was time to head home.  All 3 dogs slept the whole way home.  In fact...Lily slept most the rest of the day...and most of Monday.  I love taking her to the dog park! :)



Wordless Wednesday: You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile

Sunday, May 5, 2013

St. Paddy's Day pic...a little later...

This last week our friend Kristina has been sick, so we offered to keep her girls on Saturday night to give her a break.  We keep Ally often, but this time we offered to keep Clarissa too.  As luck (teehee) would have it, Kristina sent the girls St. Patrick's Day dresses for church on Sunday.  They are these totally adorable dresses Alan and I bought them back around St. Pat's.  They have light and dark green clovers all over them and a frog in the bottom left corner of the front.  My FAVORITE part, however, is the shamrock on the tush of the bloomers!  Such a cute outfit!

Since the girls would be wearing their Paddy's Day green, we decided we'd wear our and have a pic with the girls.  They were sick on Paddy's Day so we didn't get it today was the perfect opportunity!

The pic doesn't so the dresses any kind of justice...but how sweet are those girls?!  Alan has Ally (11 months) and I have Clarissa (2.5 years - almost).  We sure do love these girls! :)