Friday, February 26, 2016

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real - February


My valentine flowers...which I TOTALLY didn't except this year!  I have a super wonderful husband!


Peanut's Easter Basket.  It's tiny.  Adorable.  Purple.  Perfect!

Peanut's Paddy's Day bow!  EEK!

 Alan bought Peanut this frog for Valentine's Day.  It makes a kissing noise and says I Love You.  It's super silly...but she loves it and I love that he bought her her very first Valentine's Day gift!


The dogs were not in the mood for photographs! (Top: Dex, Kelly's dog, was put out I was bothering him at all.  Bottom: Mercy doesn't do mornings...)


This is from Show Hope's facebook page, but it speaks so beautifully about the road we are on.  This month has truly been the roller coaster they talk about.  Wonderful one minute and difficult the next. But is it worth it?  You bet! I simply cannot imagine a life without this roller coaster anymore..

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real - January


On the left is a pic I took one morning on the way to work.  The sky was just lovely...the picture doesn't do it justice!  On the right is my Origami Owl necklace.  It has the charms 'Mom', 'Forever Family', and a colored stone for me, Alan, and Peanut.  I LOVE it!


 In January we FINALLY celebrated Christmas.  (We were in the hospital with Peanut over Christmas so we waited until she was well healed, which just happened to coincide with Amy and Paul's visit and therefore our Christmas and 'family Christmas' all happened at once!).  LEFT: Before opening presents at mom and dads, the usual paparazzi showed up and we have a ton of pics of each family set.  RIGHT: We went to ICE! at the Gaylord for the first time since we got engaged.  I don't know if we were younger, dressed warmer, or all into it...but this year seemed SOOOOO much colder!  We basically ran through (the much smaller display).  We even tried to re-enact the engagement, but it was just too cold.  After the the little boys were able to do a sledding thing, but we mostly sat to the side lamenting how cold it was...


Any time I am home from work this little girl believes her place is in my lap.  I love her to bits and pieces!


After our hospital stay we decided that we would get a crib so we could get a wedge and have her sleeping propped up without needing to be in the rock and play or the swing. We decided to get Allison's crib from storage, but due to a series of events, we ended up with a new crib, mattress, sheets, bumpers, etc, etc, etc.  This was the finished project. (Thanks to Kelly and Alan for helping move stuff and getting the bed together!)

**As a side note, the changing table has been changed to one that matches and she doesn't sleep on the all!