First of all, I know that there are still no pictures. When I go to upload them, it says I can only load them from the blog, my phone, Picasa web something or another or a URL. Um...what happened to loading them from my silly ole computer?!
That said - to the topic at hand. It would appear I'm sick...and I've shared it! (Yikes!)
Last Monday I started to feel achy and thought I was getting the flu, however, I never ran a fever and was mostly just congested. Tylenol and Benedryl kept me going for the week as we ran around doing fun things (ie: ice skating, Trains at Northpark, LegoLand, etc). Over the weekend I was still having a hard time with sinus stuff and coughing and a sore throat and all so I said that if I still felt bad Monday, I'd go to the doctor before the kids came back. I have a student who has a compromised immune system so I couldn't be taking my cold in to him. Just for the sake of my documentation (in case I ever have these symptoms again) here's how this cold thing went:
Monday night: achy and headache due to MAJOR congestion
Tuesday: achy and headache due to MAJOR congestion -- manageable with Tylenol every 4 hours and benedryl at night.
Wednesday: still a little achy, but not as bad; finally started draining so became stuffy - still just Tylenol and benedryl
Thursday: no more aches, but majorly stuffy! Throat hurt due to drainage and coughing. same medicine as before.
Friday: no aches - super stuffy - sore throat - hacking cough. Took some Tylenol with a decongestant in it - slept poorly.
Saturday: felt awful - so congested, lots of coughing, sore throat, etc. Bought meds and finally slept.
Sunday: felt better, went to church. COUGHING and some congestion.
Monday: COUGHING, some congestion, but finally felt 'better'. Went to Dr.
Ok - so now you know....I went to the doctor, fully expecting her to say, "I'm sorry, you have a nasty cold...take whatever works...have a nice day."
She looked in my ear and said, "Oh, your ear is really red - I'd call that an ear infection. I bet you have a sinus infection too."
"Yep, sinus infection too! Looks like it's trying to move to your chest."
(listens to chest) "Oh! It's already in your have bronchitis too!"
That's right friends - ear/sinus infection and bronchitis...which I have been hacking out into the public throughout the last week. If you're sick and were in Dallas last week -- I'm sorry! :) Anyway, I got a shot in the tush, some monster cough medicine (with codeine) and an antibiotic. Oh, and orders not to work for at least Tuesday. I can go back Wednesday if I want, but I don't have to go till Thursday.
I'm glad I went to the doctor today -- and I'm glad for a few days of rest! :)
P.S. I would show you what a sick me looks like - but again - pictures are not uploading...anyone have any ideas?
(Dad - this is blog number 2! Aren't you super proud of me?!)