Thursday, January 23, 2014

Flashback - Icemaggedon 2013

So it all started on Thursday the 5th of December.  I took off the day to attend Robyn's mom's funeral and to then take the girls to the family meal.  The girls stayed with us that night so we got them up and ready and then took them to daycare.  Then we got ourselves ready and headed to the funeral.  It was COLD!  After the funeral Alan went to work and I went to get the girls from daycare and take them to the meal.  Since there were rumors of ice coming down later in the day, I signed them out and said, "See you tomorrow".  We went to the meal and ate good food and had fun fellowship and then cleaned up and each one headed out.  At the end of the meal Ally was tired, but the family needed to go by Robyn's step-dad's so I took Ally saying, "IF (it is Texas, right?!) it gets bad she can just stay with us, but I'm sure we'll see you later!"  Off we went and came home so she could nap.  About halfway through her nap I find out school's letting out early due to ICE coming down and STICKING!  Um...well...guess who's staying! And stay she did! :) From then until Monday when it wasn't so incredibly dangerous - and I was sure we were going back to work. (We didn't go back to work until Friday!) So - here's a little walk down memory lane in pictures from the week.

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