Monday, February 17, 2014

My Grandmother

So Thursday...the day that we all love because the next day is Friday and then comes weekend. Unless you get a text from your mom saying your 96 year old Grandmother is in the ER with a possible stroke, but don't come down yet. Um...yeah. That was my Thursday after school. So I called my sister and demanded to know what was up. So - long story short:

Mom had a dr's appointment for her back to say she did indeed fracture her L2 (big shock). On the way home they decided to stop to see Grandmother because mom hadn't been in a week and she usually sees her daily. They walked in expecting Grandmother to be sooo happy and instead they got glassy eyes and gibberish. Mom got the nurse at the facility, the nurse got the Ambulance, Grandmother got a ride to the ER and mom got quite a scare! After a CT scan it was decided that it wasn't a stroke (there was no blockage), but that it was likely a TIA (Transischemic attack). The way to find out was an MRI. (In case you don't remember mom's MRI story look in the post below). Knowing for sure wouldn't change treatment so we opted not to do it. Within 24 hours Grandmother was back to normal and at home in her apartment at her assisted living facility happy as a clam. She wouldn't go to dinner that night though because she couldn't let anyone see her bed-head - she had missed her hair appointment after all.

Y'all, I can not even begin to tell you now much I love that lady! She is so amazing! Who else do you know that is 96, had a stroke, has aphasia, has broken a hip, had a TIA and can still give em heck?! This lady is amazing. We all love her dearly and I want to be just like her when I grow up!

A sweet story from the hospital:
The neurology nurse came by to check on her and was making sure all was well. One of the things they had her do was identify pictures. Some more common than others. There was a chair and a feather and some other things. The last picture was a hammock between 2 trees. My GrandJack, her husband, had a hammock that he loved. Well, due to the aphasia Grandmother couldn't pull up the work hammock. So she looked at it and traced it and hemmed and hawed for a bit and said, "There's a tree and a tree and a....." Then she tried again, "My husband used to love his. His didn't look like that. There's a tree and a tree......hmmm...there's an oak a walnut tree and a walnut tree and a......" Finally the lady said, "It's a hammock" and she said, "Yes, a hammock. A walnut tree and a walnut tree and a hammock. My husband LOVED his. You know, he's been gone 30 years now..."

My friends - I teared up. She was spot on. There were 2 trees in their backyard that GrandJacks woven hammock hung between. And he loved it. And he has indeed been gone 30 years. It was so sweet. Even the neurology nurse realized that it was sweet and kindly ended the session. A few hours later, Grandmother went to her apartment. Mom came to visit and her reaction was to be expected - excitement to see her only child. Gosh I love that lady.

Ready to go home...and all smiles about it.

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