Friday, February 7, 2014

It takes a Community

NO PICTURES....One Picture

I know you've all hear the 'It takes a Village....' phrase. I would like to offer a new idea: It takes a COMMUNITY.

I know the premise for the 2 statements could be interchangable, however for me they seem very different. To me the 'village' phrase would mean the family and close friends. Community is the whole picture - close friends and acquiantances and everyone else.

I would have always called myself a 'VILLAGE' type person. I wanted 'us four and no more'. I just need my close friends and that'd do. Then I got into COMMUNITY theater and made friends with the people there. They weren't the kind of friends you'd call if you were in the hospital, but they were fun to be around. And so I became more of a community minded person -- still CLINGING to my 'VILLAGE'.

And then I moved to Sherman. When I first move to an area I make friends and stick with them. They're safe. So I met Donna and she stuck. Made friends at church and they stuck. They were the Village, if you will. Then I got married and I had to figure out how to expand the Village to encompass friends for him. And then came COMMUNITY. I got involved in the community theater here before we got married and met my landlords and some other folks. They were good fun, but they weren't my Village because they had their own. But with the husband aspect. And to my world he brought COMMUNITY. He became involved in a community organization and we met so many new people. Again, I might not call them in terrible need, but I know they are there. And then I became involved in community things and have made so many friends. Amd voila -- community.

See, the thing about COMMUNITY is it is ever changing. People come and go. You see them in this show, at this event, at that store -- but you know them and chat for a minute - then move on. The best part about this is you never know who from the COMMUNITY will become part of your VILLAGE.

(Now I'm getting to the point!)

Let me tell you about my sweet friend who started as COMMUNITY, but now I cherish as VILLAGE. When Alan and I applied for our marraige license there was a sweet lady there training. She trained on our license. Walked out of the office (she wasn't even really COMMUNITY at this point as I couldn't have told you her name!) and honestly thought nothing of it. Then last year I was in Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing and this sweet lady introduces herself and I introduce myself and she says, "I REMEMBER YOU! I trained on marraige license with you and your husband!" COMMUNITY. I got to know her backstage and enjoyed talking to her. After the run of the show came Paddy's Day and I needed a HUGE stockpot to make a dish. I don't have one and so I posted on FB asking for one and she answered and graciously let me borrow hers. COMMUNITY becoming VILLAGE. And over time she has continued to be a friend and become more VILLAGE. She is so supportive and sweet - she and my dad are the only reason I blog really!

Then...a few weeks ago I was sick. As soon as I posted she posted that she'd be bringing me soup. I looked forward to it all week and when she came she brought not only soup but a basket! When I asked about one of the things she blogged the recipe for me! Then I needed advice on something for babysitting and I thought of her and another friend first. She responded with her fabulous Mommy wisdom....and I realized she'd become full blown VILLAGE to me.

I know this isn't a fun and exciting post full of pictures (if I can find one of the basket I will...) and maybe the title isn't the best and maybe it's not what you wanted to read -- but I wanted to document my thoughts on this...It takes a form your VILLAGE.

And quite frankly - I think I have the best of both.

(Look?! I found it!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Leanne, you have me in tears. I am so glad to be counted as a part of your Village - it is a great village to be a part of.
    I came here today to tell you I gave you a blogging award and I never expected to see this. You are just so SO wonderful!
