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My Grandmother is possibly one of the 'prettiest' pretties I could possibly share with you! I am so blessed to have memories of her being at many of my 'firsts' throughout life. We were thankful she was able to come spend Thanksgiving with us...and she was thankful to see her sweet dog Molly. Since her stroke and broken hip she can no longer have Molly live with her. Amy's mother-in-law, GranJan, has been taking care of Molly. GranJan is so sweet...she brings Molly to visit as often as possible.
Last Saturday we (Philip, Allison, and myself) hosted the 5th annual Indian Thanksgiving. Now, as you can see by the picure, we do not mean Indian as in Native American's. We mean Indian as in India.
It all started about 7 year ago when Philip and I had met and friended several guys (and a few girls) from India. Neither of our immediate family's were celebrating Thanksgiving on the actual day, so we decided to make dinner for our Indian friends. It was a huge hit, but alot of work, so we decided to do it every other year. 2 years later we did it again...with much success. We still decided we'd keep it at every other year, meaning 2011 was the next one. That year we couldn't find a day to meet up prior to Thanksgiving so we did Christmas and we got to tell the Christmas story. (This was probably my FAVORITE year.) 2011 was such a hit we decided to go Annual. Last year I wasn't able to attend, so my sister stepped in to help. This year - we made it a joint effort...and as you can see it was wonderful. It was the biggest crowd to date, with the most food...and the most leftovers! I look forward to next year!
Our sweet Lily dog has been so good lately. Her barking is down to a minimum, her destroying things is down, and her eating things she shouldn't hasn't been a problem. ...until last week. One day last week I found her on our bed chewing on something. You always knows she knows better when you walk in and she runs. She ran. I finally cornered her and got her to 'drop it'. That when I found a silver lid. After a few minutes of searching and trying to figure it out, we decided it was a tube of lip gloss she'd found in the bathroom. Ah Lily - you are the best at picking random things to eat. Once I cleaned up the mess on the bed and threw away what was left, and confined Lily to the living room, we all settled in again. Lily jumped up in my lap and layed down. That's when I noticed she was all glittery from her lip gloss eating. It appears she just wanted to be pretty like Mommy. She her sparkly beard?!
We had these new cars for almost a week. We LOVE them and the room they give us! :)
(ask me how I feel about it in a month when I pay my first car payment in a year...)