Thursday, December 17, 2015

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real - December


I took these last night of the Peanut looking at mom's tree...I love the wonder she has for all the lights and sights.  May we have the same wonder in our hearts for THE LIGHT.



We get this pic from mom every year...and it's possibly my fav!  I love seeing all the stockings hung at her house. I especially love the little one on the far's Peanut's!

And these are at our house! Mercy, Leanne, Peanut, Alan, and Lily.
I love a decorated  house! :)

All my funny pics I can't really show you.  This particular post has gotten quite difficult to make because all my pictures are of the Peanut and I can't show you....Just know -- there are some good ones....and if we get together for lunch or dinner or to shop or for any reason I will show you more pics of her than you EVER wanted to see!!! :)


Last Saturday we went to see The Littelest Wiseman.  I have been going to this show since 2001 (I think).  The first year I went with Dana and Ryan Yates and we went to eat afterwards at a Steakhouse.  After that I introduced Michael and Kathryn to the show. In 2004 I began helping out with the show (I became the assistant director of the children's choir) and continued to do so until 2009 when I moved to Waco.  I then began attending every year.  I get there and go say Hi to all I know and then sit down to enjoy the best show of the season.

The Littlest Wiseman is the story of a shepherd boy.  He notices and follows the star as it crosses the sky but doesn't know what it is about until he meets the Wisemen, who dub him a little wiseman, due to his interest.  Later, the angels appear to the shepherds he is with and he is so excited about the news that he convinces the shepherds to go see the sights spoken of...but he is asked to stay with the sheep as he is the youngest. He debates what to do and decides that on a night like this no evil could happen and he must go see his little king.  He realizes the Wisemen had great gifts and he has nothing but his heart to give (and some stones).  He decides this is enough and off he goes.  The show ends with him worshiping the baby with the shepherds, wisemen, and angels.  Seriously...can you get any better?!  One of my long standing favorite moments in the show is when one of the kings (the one in gold) places his gift before the baby and turns to worship from a distance, but then decides to give the baby king his crown.  The music crescendos and he kneels and removes his crown for THE king.  AHHHH!!! Tears every year!

Anyway - this year Kathryn was sick and couldn't come, but Michael and Kayden did.  I sure love that K!

This is the stage before the show begins.  Isn't it lovely?! 

Then, Sunday was our churches Christmas concert.  It was a great concert.  I was asked to sign Silent Night and How Many Kings.  I love using what I am able to do to bless others. I also love being a part of anything that tells about the REAL meaning of Christmas.  Silent Night, Holy Night. All is calm, all is bright 'round yon virgin, Mother and Child...

This is a shot of me signing "All is bright". I

I also signed How Many Kings by Downhere.  The words are FABULOUS!
How many kings stepped down from their throne
How many lords have abandoned their homes
How many greats have become the least
How many gods have poured out their hearts to romance a world that's been torn all apart
How many fathers gave up their sons for me

As we get closer to Christmas - let's remember that...Only ONE did that for all mankind....
Merry Chirstmas!

Pretty, Happy, Funnny, Real - November Edition


My sweet girls sharing the same space without trying to totally harass each other...beautiful!



My dad holding my sweet Peanut for the first time. (it looks like he's not paying attention to her -- but he is...this is just the only shot w/o her face)

Me and my this kid!


What are sisters for?  To look like a fool with! :)  After Thanksgiving dinner we realized that we had no pics to show for the I quickly sat down next to Allison and this is what ya get...

We ate so much we forgot pics...

See....REAAALLLLLYYYY full....

But extremely blessed and quite happy!

 These two pics are of my grandfathers who both served in the military.  The top is my dad's dad and the bottom is mom's dad.  I am thankful that they served our country and more importantly their family and our Lord.  They left an amazing legacy for me and my sisters and our children.  And as an added bonus...aren't they super handsome?! :)