Thursday, November 14, 2013


Again - this is my fun blog idea stolen from my friend over at 9Peas (I think she links hers in to someone else's blog -- but she has the best recipes and food pics I think I've ever seen! So go check her out!)


Clarissa and Ally are the prettiest baby girls in Sherman!

Clarissa is almost 3 and is talking up a storm...when she has something to say. She has a sassy streak in her and when she wants something she will argue with you..for a LONG time. She LOVES Minnie Mouse and chicken. On Sunday she looked so pretty I decided to snap a picture and she l
et me 'pose' her. This lovely photo is what I got!

Ally is 16 months old now. Her favorite words are NO! and STOP! though she can also say Night Night, Love You, Juice, and lots more. She is no longer walking, but RUNNING everywhere she goes. She likes anything on TV and food. She likes to eat. This one is from a few weeks ago. Isn't she pretty?


A few weeks ago my awesome nephew, Thomas, accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. On a Saturday night at Prestonwood, he was baptised by the minister of missions (I think). There were many of Allison's friends there to support him, as well as our family, and his Dad and his family. Can I just say it makes my heart sing to know that the Truth of God IS making it to these generations?! Talk about happy! (There may or may not have been happy tears in several eyes...I'm just saying...) Mercy. Last Sunday I tried something new...Painting with a Twist/Paint your Pet. Ok - so...I'm not an artist. Ask any of my students...I just am not. So why try this?! Because they have a nice instructor lady who helps you if you screw up and helps with depth perception and all that stuff that I don't even begin to understand. Let's just say if she hadn't helped I'd have a $55 brown blob with eyes and a nose. :) However, thanks to Ms. Lisa's help, I have this AWESOME painting of my Mercy girl. Seriously...I love it. Can't wait till they do it again and I can do one of Lily!


I have a student who struggles with spelling and writing. One of the activities I have him do is to write whathe is learning about in his other classes. On day this is what I found:

Just in case you can't read it, it says, "We are learining about teats in math." I'm pretty sure he meant TESTS....

I took this picture a few weeks ago at church...It makes me laugh every're welcome.


This month is Adoption Month. I was out of town on Adoption Sunday so my church got away without doing anything. Next year may they not be so lucky! I saw a statistic recently that said that there are twice as many Christians in the world as there are orphans. If each Christian would step up and take one kid there wouldn't be any more orphans. Now, I'm not so niave as to think that every Christian is able. There are health, age, monetary, and other reasons why some of us can't. HOWEVER, I do strongly believe it is our Christian duty...service...right...JOY. Our Christian JOY to pray without ceasing for these kiddos. Many of them age out and turn to 'less than steller' lives. They end up in jail, as pregnant teens, homeless, etc. Let's pray...pray...PRAY for these kids!

Some of us can't go...but can support. Pick a family, agency, foster home, something/someplace/someone to support. For example - I have a friend in McKinney that has 2 domestically adopted daughters. I pray with her. I listen when she needs it. I've even bought her lunch when the kids needed the last of her cash and it was that or crackers. I don't say this so you'll pay me on the back...I tell you to spark your thinking...what can you do?

Perhaps you don't know any adoptive familys or anyone to support. Here are some other ideas: New Day Foster Home in China (where the pics came from). Blogstalk them! There's Reeces Rainbow. There's Morning Star. There's Love Changes Lives and so many more!

These kids and teens need our help...won't you find some way to help? Go...Pray...Support...