Friday, March 22, 2013

Rock Your Socks

Yesterday was World Down Syndrome Day.  I have a theater friend in Dallas that has a daughter who sports the extra chromosome.  She is quite possibly one of the CUTEST chickies you ever have seen!  This year in honor of the day we were asked to "Rock our Socks" Alan and I did!

(In other news...blogger has an issue with the picture of my rocking I will leave you with Alan's.....someday I'll get mine up!)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Duigan's Paddy's Day Party 2013

Downtown Sherman's Paddy's Day Block Party

St. Patrick's Day 2013

Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing

Oh my stars am I a bad blogger or what?!  Seriously folks!!!  I mean, I know the 2 of you who read this have been checking daily for the last month and a half.  Where have I been?!

I've been in a show.

I was cast in Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing as a doctor (Dr. Cone) and a business-woman (Mrs. Denberg - in the story it's really a guy - but for our show -- it was me!).  Then, afte the first weekend some folks dropped out, so I picked up the role of Mrs. Yarby.  I was the trophy wife of Mr. Yarby. 

Highlights of the role?  Acting the snob, screaming about a turtle ("I can't STAND reptiles...take that thing away!), and screaming about a toddler who put stickers on a suitcase ("HOWIE!!!! Just look at what that.......just look!!!!").  Seriously - fantastic role!  (There are no pictures of this as it was added at the end...there is however this fabulous backstage pic of me..)

Mrs. Denberg was a blast as I chased Fudge around stage on a tricycle.  Dr. Cone's best line? "You may want to get a new turtle, Peter" (as Fudge has EATEN his turtle and I 'gave' him prune juice to get it out! 


BUT - the ABSOLUTE best part of the show?  Mercy was in it!  My little diva dog made her acting debut!  In her first scene she walked across the stage with 2 young girls who were 'dog walkers'.  She wore her harness dress made by her Aunt Donna and pranced/danced across the stage looking for treats.  Precious!

Then at the end of the story, Peter gets a dog (because Fudge ate his last pet).  Mercy was 'Turtle' the dog he got.  She sat in a box and just looked adorable.  I loved hearing the audience go "AWWWW" as the box she was in was opened.  She was PERFECT!  Love that fur baby!

As always, a great time acting under the direction of Webster Crocker -- he's truly fabulous!

Here are our headshots as well: